My Story
I long for a world where humans and animals live in harmony with nature. Even if it is small steps that everyone changes, together we can achieve great things.

My vision
My name is Valerie and with fairschenkt I turn my long-awaited dream into reality. For me, there is nothing more beautiful than to give back to one’s fellow human beings and oneself while taking into account the environment that makes this wonderful life possible for us. However, it is often difficult to reconcile time, pressure, compulsive buying and a lack of creativity with the issue of sustainability. With I have created a platform where I want to inspire people to consume more sustainably and to gift great pleasure without a guilty conscience.

My personal story
Born in Graz, my academic career brought me to beautiful Vienna at the age of 18. There I studied international business and began to discover the world. But besides a lot of joy and enthusiasm, I got to know the dark side of the carefree western lifestyle during my internship abroad in China. Daily smog, environmental problems and an autoimmune disease diagnosed a few months later made me rethink many things in my life.
I wanted to realign my life and take a more conscious path. For this reason, I also reoriented myself professionally. At the beginning of 2019, I therefore launched So that there is a place to inspire and support the people who share my love for sustainable products. As well as to be able to live my own dream of creative self-employment.
I want to encourage people to slow down and appreciate the little things in life. This is my personal goal and also that of many small self-employed people whose products I offer in my store. They integrate a conscious work attitude and mindfulness towards our environment into their work and life process.
With my partner and son, I live my dream of country life (near Lake Constance in beautiful Vorarlberg) after 10 years of big city life (Vienna) since the end of 2019. In the 3-country corner I have combined the advantages of Austria, Germany and Switzerland. I love nothing more than to discover new products on my rambles through the closer region, which I can share with you.